General Information

Teenage athletes are constantly burning energy whether it be at school or at practice. Since teenage athletes use more nutrients and energy than ordinary teens, their consumption should be regimented to regain those lost nutrients. In order to improve the health in teenage athletes, we've designed post-workout meals that are meant to improve muscle growth, energy level, and overall health.

You Are What You Eat

What athletes consume after competition plays a huge role in the body's performance the next day. Selecting foods that are balanced in calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat is essential for the body to recuperate the energy and nutrients that were lost in competition. Muscle regeneration is greatest immediately after practice or competition which is why consuming protein right after a workout is important. Also, be sure to replenish your body with lots of carbohydrate to help fill the depleted glycogen stores that your body uses for energy. By consuming a large amount of carbohydrates the body releases a hormone called insulin, which is vital for bringing amino acids and carbohydrates to the muscle and thus accelerating carbohydrate and protein synthesis. Therefore, consuming a lot of carbohydrates right after a workout is essential for promoting a large insulin release, and speeding up the body's recovery process. This said, paying close attention to post-exercise nutrition will greatly maximize the hours invested at practice or in the weight room.

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