General Information

Teenage athletes are constantly burning energy whether it be at school or at practice. Since teenage athletes use more nutrients and energy than ordinary teens, their consumption should be regimented to regain those lost nutrients. In order to improve the health in teenage athletes, we've designed post-workout meals that are meant to improve muscle growth, energy level, and overall health.

Recovery Drinks

After a tiring day of competition it's not always easy to eat a big meal with the carbohydrates and proteins needed to replace those depleted from exercise. Exercise stress causes the hunger centers in your body to shut down. However, it's absolutely critical that you replace the body's lost nutrients if you want to enhance muscle growth, and recover from the exercise. The simple solution is a recovery drink that provides your body with the necessary carbohydrates, proteins, and nutrition of a regular post workout meal. Due to their structure liquid supplements are easier to digest and absorb than whole food meals.

Here are some recovery drink recipes that we recommend:

1 serving of whey protein
2 servings of Gatorade

369 calories, 25g protein, 66g Carbohydrate, 0.5g Fat
Gatorade contains carbohydrates and sugars that are absorbed quickly by the body. Mixing Gatorade with whey protein is a simple drink that provides the body with the necessary protein and carbohydrates that will still taste good.

Chocolate Milk
Not many people think of it as a recovery drink but Physiologist Joel Stager, director of the Human Performance laboratory at Indiana University has proven chocolate milk's effectiveness for recovery through his studies and tests published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition. Chocolate milk has plenty of carbohydrate and protein content, perfect for replenishing exhausted muscles. Plus it packs a nutritional bonus of calcium, and includes just a little sodium and sugar that help recovering athletes retain water and regain energy.
2 servings of chocolate milk is an ideal recovery drink that is commonly sold at a local store or vending machine.
384 calories, 20g protein, 60g carbohydrates, 6g fat

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