General Information

Teenage athletes are constantly burning energy whether it be at school or at practice. Since teenage athletes use more nutrients and energy than ordinary teens, their consumption should be regimented to regain those lost nutrients. In order to improve the health in teenage athletes, we've designed post-workout meals that are meant to improve muscle growth, energy level, and overall health.

Braised Beef with Chips and Salsa

1/2 pound of beef
2 Potatoes
2 Bell Peppers
1 Onion

Salsa mix
1 Guacamole
1 Tomatoe
1/2 Lime
1 Parsley

Cut beef into strips
Cut potatoes into cubes
Chop onion
Chop bell peppers
Slice tomatoes
Mash guacamole
Chop parsley

Cook beef strips in large frying pan for about 6 min.
Add potatoes and stir, cook with beef for another 4 min.
Add bell peppers and onions and let the whole meal cook for about 5 more min.

While you're waiting for the beef to cook you can easily make the salsa.

Mix salsa mix, mashed guacamole, chopped tomato
Add parsley and squeeze lime over salsa


Braised Beef
Total Calories: 680
Total Carbohydrates: 45g
Total Protein: 21g
Total Fat: 12g

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